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Phytotron 6 Contact administrators

Building E26

It is a walk-in plant growth chamber with closed cultivation banks. Cultivation banks serve for precisely controlled plant cultivation and comparison studies. Every single bank offers the possibility of different light and temperature regime. Simulation of environmental stress conditions is possible to provide (cold stress, high light) or testing particular light spectrum.
There are 3 bank types in the phytotron:
Bank 1 - with 8-channel LED panels: UV (365, 385 nm), violet (400 nm), blue (450 nm), green (525 nm), orange (590 nm), red (665 nm) and far-red (730 nm) (currently out of order);
Bank 4 - equipped with high light panels;
Banks 2,3,5-12 - standard banks with white/red/far-red LED illumination up to 200 µmol/m2/s.

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